7 Reasons Homebased Education Can Work For You
You may be surprised by all the many exciting approaches to homebased education! Now is the best time to begin this journey with your family. Download the PDF to find out why.
What's Your Child's Phase of Learning?
Knowing The Phases of Learning is the best foundation for successful learning. Take our free quiz to find out what phase your child is in currently.
5 Tips for Teaching Multiple Ages
Feeling overwhelmed or anxious about homeschooling more than one child at a time? Check out our guide on the top tips for doing so with confidence and ease.

Looking for help that's free, fast?
Check out our Alcott Instagram page roadmap! The link below will show you who we are by taking your through our MOST popular practical tips, helpful mindsets & The Phases of Learning. We created an Instagram roadmap for a crash course of our top posts!
Alcott IG ROADMAP (DowNLOAD)What Are The Phases of Learning?
The New Homebased Educator Program
Not happy with schools? This is your next step...
Don't like what's happening in schools today, but aren't sure you can manage your child's education on your own? Does your homeschool need to be upgraded or overhauled? This live year-long course is for you! Learn about the program here.